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Accessibility in Business Email: A Guide to Accessibility in Business Communication

Send emails everyone can read! Craft accessible business emails for better engagement & wider reach.
Ayush Singh Sardar
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Accessibility in Business Email

In today's digital world, email remains a cornerstone of business communication. But how often do we consider whether our emails are truly accessible to everyone?  Imagine this: a potential client with low vision struggles to read your email due to a poor color contrast.  Or, a colleague who uses a screen reader finds your message incomprehensible because it relies heavily on images without alternative text descriptions.  This is where accessibility in business emails comes into play.

Why Accessibility Matters in Business Email

There are several compelling reasons to prioritize accessibility in your email communication:

  • Reaching a Wider Audience: A significant portion of the global population lives with disabilities, including visual impairments, learning difficulties, and motor limitations. By creating accessible emails, you ensure your message reaches a broader audience, fostering inclusivity and expanding your potential customer base.

  • Legal Compliance: Many countries have regulations mandating accessible communication practices.  Ensuring your emails comply with these regulations protects your business from potential legal ramifications.

  • Enhanced Brand Reputation: Demonstrating a commitment to accessibility portrays your company as socially responsible and considerate. This can positively impact your brand image and build stronger customer trust.

Core Principles of Accessible Email Design

The foundation of accessible email design rests on two key pillars: readable text formatting and clear, concise writing.

  • Readable Text Formatting

    • Choosing the Right Font: Opt for simple, sans-serif fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Verdana. These fonts are easier to read on screens compared to decorative or serif fonts.

    • Optimal Font Size: Maintain a minimum font size of 16px. This ensures readability for users with visual impairments or those using screen magnification tools.

    • Color Contrast and Background Choice: Ensure a strong contrast ratio between your text and background color. Tools like WebAIM's WAVE extension can help you check for sufficient contrast.  Avoid light text on light backgrounds or dark text on dark backgrounds.

  • Clear and Concise Writing

    • Plain Language and Simplified Sentences: Use clear, straightforward language that's easy to understand. Avoid jargon or overly complex sentence structures.

    • Bullet Points and Numbered Lists: Break down lengthy text into digestible chunks by using bullet points and numbered lists. This improves readability and information flow, especially for users with cognitive disabilities.

Effective Strategies for Accessible Email

Beyond the core principles, several specific strategies can further enhance the accessibility of your emails:

  • Descriptive Subject Lines: Craft clear and informative subject lines that accurately reflect the email's content.  Avoid vague or overly promotional subject lines.

  • Alternative Text for Images: Provide concise, descriptive alt text for all images in your email. This allows screen readers to convey the image's purpose to users who cannot see it.

  • Accessible Call to Action (CTA) Buttons: Design clear and visually distinct CTA buttons with descriptive text. Ensure these buttons are functional with keyboard navigation.

  • Responsive Design for Different Devices: Guarantee your emails display correctly across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This caters to users with different screen sizes and assistive technologies.

  • Keyboard Navigation Optimization: Structure your email content logically using heading tags (H1, H2, etc.) and ensure users can navigate through the email using just the keyboard.

Accessibility Tools and Resources

Fortunately, there are numerous tools and resources available to help you create accessible emails:

  • Online Accessibility Checkers: Utilize online accessibility checkers like WAVE extension by WebAIM or  Colour Contrast Checker [invalid URL removed] to evaluate your email's color contrast and identify potential accessibility issues.

  • Email Design Templates with Accessibility Features: Many email design platforms offer templates pre-built with accessibility features in mind. These templates often adhere to best practices for font size, color contrast, and keyboard navigation.

  • WCAG Compliance Guidelines: The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)  provide a comprehensive set of standards for creating accessible web content, including emails. Familiarizing yourself with WCAG guidelines, particularly WCAG 2.1,  equips you to design emails that meet accessibility best practices.

The Benefits of Accessible Business Email

Investing in accessible email design goes beyond simply fulfilling legal requirements. Here are some key benefits to reap:

  • Increased Engagement and Conversion Rates: Accessible emails ensure a wider audience can understand and respond to your message, ultimately leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: When customers can easily access and comprehend your emails, they feel valued and respected. This fosters positive customer experiences and builds stronger brand loyalty.

  • Fostering a More Inclusive Workplace Culture: Promoting accessibility within your company creates a more inclusive environment for employees with disabilities. This fosters a sense of belonging and empowers everyone to participate equally.


By incorporating accessibility practices into your email communication strategy, you unlock a world of benefits. You reach a broader audience, strengthen your brand reputation, and contribute to a more inclusive digital landscape. Remember, accessibility isn't just about compliance; it's about ensuring everyone has equal access to information and the opportunity to connect.


1. Are there any legal requirements for accessible email design?

While specific regulations may vary by country, many regions have laws mandating accessible communication practices.  The best practice is to familiarize yourself with the accessibility laws in your area.

2.  How much time and effort does it take to create accessible emails?

Implementing accessibility best practices doesn't have to be a time-consuming endeavor.  Many of the strategies, like using clear language and descriptive subject lines,  align with good email writing practices in general. Additionally, utilizing accessibility tools and pre-built templates can significantly streamline the process.

3.  What if I'm not a designer; can I still create accessible emails?

Absolutely!  Many email marketing platforms offer user-friendly interfaces that make it easy to build accessible emails without needing design expertise.  Focusing on clear text formatting, using alt text for images, and choosing accessible templates can make a big difference.

4.  Where can I find more resources on email accessibility?

A wealth of resources is available online. The WebAIM website ( offers a treasure trove of information on web accessibility, including specific guidance for emails.  Additionally, many email marketing platforms provide resources and support for creating accessible emails.

5.  How can I encourage my colleagues to adopt accessible email practices?

Lead by example!  Start crafting accessible emails yourself and showcase the benefits to your colleagues.  Sharing success stories and highlighting the positive impact of accessibility can encourage wider adoption within your organization.

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